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If you have entered an incorrect password twice, please use the "Set new password" option to reset it. Otherwise, your account will be blocked and you will no longer be able to use the "Set new password" option. After selecting this option, a link will be sent to your email address that will allow you to directly access your account. This way, you can set a new password or confirm the existing one.

New Volunteer

  • Current Contact details
  • information
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Become a Polish Red Cross Volunteer!


We are looking for volunteers to carry out activities for the Polish Red Cross, e.g. supporting the affected population from Ukraine in Poland. Go through training and support people in need of help!

Volunteering isn't just about helping the community, it's also about learning new skills, making friends, and being part of the world's largest humanitarian network. The Polish Red Cross has been helping people in need for over 100 years,regardless of their origin, views or beliefs.

You have the power to make a real difference and support those most in need. Get involved today!

Contact details
An underaged volunteer needs the consent of their legal guardians.
The photo should show the face of the volunteer, without headgear and tinted glasses, looking straight ahead, with eyes open, and a natural facial expression.
One file only.
3 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png, bmp..
Current Contact Address
Is your permanent address different from your current address?
Permanent Contact Address
Emergency contact
In case of emergency, please contact…